Calibration Product Introduction
Crank Load cell Calibration Services
Mar 25, 2021
Crank load cell is important measuring equipment. It's give user load weight indicator that the load weight doesn't exceed the crank can carry. If false reading were given, safety of the Crank system will fail and unforseen accidents may happen at the site.
To prevent such huge damage, loadcell need to be check regularly to ensure the loadcell is performed properly.
Using load test machine which ours is machine is traceable to national standards. The load cell will press gradually up to the load cell capability. The load read out by our machine vs the load weight read out by the receiver unit will be judge according to our load methodology standards.
Our capability able to calibrate up to 100tons.
Brand that we support
1. Crosby Straightpoint
2. Dynamic Load Monitoring (dlm)
3. JCM Load Monitoring
4. Safe-T-Weight
5. Scotload
Do contact us for calibration matters.
Ultraviolet Monitor - Guardian Calibration
Mar 11, 2021
Ultraviolet Monitor, model name: Guardian which is manufacturer by Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation. This type of equipment is widely use in food processing industry. Its function is to measure the UV intensity presence in their process.
We did calibration to one of our customers that manufacture drinks and they use it to monitor UV in their systems.
We have performed calibration to all types of UV reading meter that widely use in Oil and Gas Industry and this is no foreign to us.
“Can Do” attitude by us, has definitely help and feel relieved.
Do contact us in 3 Ways method below for any calibration matters:
1. PM us here in Facebook Messenger
2. Whatapps us at +6011-6350 0321
3. Email your query to