Calibration Services
Our calibration and repair services are provided with deliveries and convenient logistics.
Reason you able to obtain from our calibration services
- You obtain best possible accuracy on your equipment.
- You able to obtain your equipment is as accurate as new equipment.
- You able to obtain more surprises in our services.
- Accrediated Calibration
Accredited calibration is a best option if your company is certified as ISO and your instrument is used in regulated industries, used as a reference instrument or your quality standards require a calibration complying with strictest regulations.
Our accrediated services includes:
- Functional testing
- Accredited ISO/IEC 17025 calibration
- Instrument adjustment to meet its specification
- Accredited Calibration certificate
- Calibration due date update and reminder services
- Non-accrediated Calibration
Our service includes as below:
- Functional testing
- Traceable ISO 9001 calibration
- Instrument adjustment to meet its original specification
- Non-Accrediated Calibration certificate
- Calibration due date update and reminder services